
Mercy Me - I Surrender All

Posted By: Enjoy the Song - 8:18 PM


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Nails in your hands
Nail in your feet
tell me how much you love me
thorns in your brow
they tell me how
you bore so much shame to love me

and when the heavens pass away

all your scars will still remain
and forever they will say
how much you love me

forever my love

forever my heart
forever my life is Yours
it's Yours

nails in your hands

nail in your feet
Lyrics www.allthelyrics.com/lyrics/mercy_me/

tell me how much you love me
thorns in your brow
they tell me how
you bore so much shame to love me

and when the heavens pass away

all your scars will still remain
and forever they will say
how much you love me

forever my love

forever my heart
forever my life is Yours
it's Yours

and when the heavens pass away

your scars will still remain
and forever they will say
how much you love me

forever my love

forever my heart
forever my life is Yours
it's Yours
it's Yours
it's Yours

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